Curriculum Vitae Alessandro Carloni
He graduated in Economics and Commerce from the University of Bologna on 16/07/1999 with 110 points out of 110 and honors.
He has been a member of the Order of Chartered Accountants and Accounting Experts of Bologna since 07/04/2003 (registration no. 1937 / A).
He is registered in the Register of Legal Auditors established at the Ministry of Economy and Finance at No. 129367 (original appointment decree dated 25/06/2003, published in the Official Gazette No. 52 of 04/07/2003).
He held the position of Statutory Auditor of Spa and currently carries out the functions of Sole Auditor of Srl
He has been registered in the Register of Technical Consultants of the Judge, accountants section, established at the Court of Bologna since 14/11/2003.
In this context, he has carried out various appraisals as CTU in financial, banking and company valuations, following the appointment by Judges of the Court of Bologna (civil sections).
From an operational point of view, in addition to his own professional activity, he collaborates with the other professionals of Studio Bartolini-Lambertini, located in Bologna, Vicolo San Damiano 3.
He has dealt with various problems in the areas of accounting and tax planning, acquiring significant experience in the financial statements and accounting analysis, as well as in the tax, civil and corporate fields. In particular, it has prepared financial feasibility studies for various types of business and investment projects. He is continuously engaged in consultancy for small and medium-sized enterprises, as well as for professionals and self-employed workers in general.
Since the beginning of his professional activity, he has paid particular attention to tax disputes, specifically to tax litigation, by sponsoring countless cases before the Tax Commissions. Among the subjects against whom he has carried out and still functions as defender there are some Municipalities and Unions of Municipalities in the Province of Bologna.
It is in compliance with the obligation to update in the context of compulsory Continuing Professional Training provided for members of the Order of Chartered Accountants and Accounting Experts (participation in conferences, in-depth seminars, etc.).
Alessandro Carloni, Chartered Accountant and Legal Auditor
- Studio 051 58756
- E-mail